Welcome to Oak Grove Lutheran Church
Welcome! As a warm and accepting community, our mission is to put the love of Jesus into action as we welcome, serve, and love all. Our vision is to learn and grow in our relationship with God, and to compassionately address the hurts and hopes of the community and world around us.
Oak Grove Lutheran Church has been growing in the heart of Richfield for over 80 years. We're all kinds of people—young and old, longtime church members from Lutheran and other faith traditions and those new to the faith. This is a place where people can continue to grow in their relationship with God, feel welcomed into a warm community, and live out their faith in service to the world around us.
We invite you, wherever you are in your faith journey, to Oak Grove.
What's New?
Hosannah Brunch on Palm Sunday
Hosannah Brunch is back and will be on Palm Sunday, the 13th of April. The food will be egg scramble, rolls, and muffins. Keep in mind this is a great fundraiser for those kids that want to go to camp in the summer. To keep costs down on the front end, please look for the Egg Tree soon and consider taking a few “Eggs” to help us out. There will also be a sheet to track the “Eggs” and Joan Liljenquist will reach out closer to the date for drop off times at the Church.
Outdoor Vacation Bible School (VBS) – July 21-25, 2025
The theme this year is True North: Trusting Jesus in the Wild World. This summer ministry is open to preschool (age 3) to 6th grade children from the church and the community. Download a registration form or stop by the church office for a paper copy.
Sponsor a Camper!
Your support of our Oak Grove youth is always appreciated, especially this year with the cost of attending Camp Wapo increasing 8%. The Youth will have multiple fundraisers this year, but it would be very helpful if you are able to sponsor a camper or two. Please reach out to Kelli Olson for more information. Thank you all so much for your ongoing support of our youth!
Keep an eye on your email for the eMessenger starting in April!
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays: Holden Evening Prayer - Lenten Worship, 7 pm
March 26 - Does God really help those who help themselves?
April 2 - Why in Lutheran Worship do we still reference the Old Testament?
April 9 - What was it like growing up gay in the Lutheran Church?
Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday - Noisy Offering and Hosanna Brunch
Thursday, April 17 — Maundy Thursday Worship, 7 pm, House of Prayer
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday, 7 pm
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday, Service times will be at 8:30 am and 10 am.
All Wednesday Lenten services and Sunday services as well as the Good Friday service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page.
New Membership at Oak Grove
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in becoming a member of Oak Grove's congregation, please contact Pastor Lee through email at pastorlee@oakgrovelutheran.org or call the church office at 612-869-4917.
Synod Announcements
Recommended Synod Response to Immigration Actions
You have likely heard the news that protections for churches, schools, and hospitals from searches by ICE agents have been rescinded. These actions are intended to provoke fear in the lives of our immigrant neighbors and community members. They violate the freedoms and calling of churches and disrupt the good work that God calls us to do. As these potential actions of federal agencies like ICE are not friendly to our purpose or mission, I am writing with clear guidance for leaders on how to handle the hopefully unlikely event of an ICE audit or raid at Oak Grove Lutheran Church:
1. If ICE agents show up at Oak Grove Lutheran Church looking to enter the building, staff, leaders, and community members should not talk with them. Immigration agents can only enter private areas with a judicial warrant or if they are given permission to enter. Staff should respond simply by saying, "I can’t give you permission to enter. You must speak with my employer." If pressed, they should only repeat the same: "You are not allowed to enter. Talk to my employer." Note: It is recommended that churches clearly designate "private spaces" using signage. The narthex, sanctuary, hallway, and fellowship hall are open to the public on Sundays, but we could make it clearer that the entire building is not open to the public on other days, and we could also designate spaces that are always private (classrooms and offices).
2. If ICE agents show up at Oak Grove Lutheran Church looking to enter the building, it should be reported immediately to the Pastor, Council President, and office staff. It is important that an appropriate leader be present to review warrants, provide order and calm, and document any ICE activity. These leaders will be given further guidance on how to handle the situation.
3. Know your rights...the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from "unreasonable search and seizure" (4th Amendment) and gives individuals "the right to remain silent" (5th Amendment). Even if a judicial warrant is presented, staff and others present are not required to answer questions about the whereabouts of a specific person, and they are not required to take them to a person named on a warrant. Running or leaving can be interpreted as a potential violation of immigration law, so it is best to remain calm and silent.
4. If ICE agents show up at Oak Grove Lutheran Church looking to do a "Form I-9 Audit," do not provide any document immediately to the agents. Employers have 3 workdays to provide documents. In the event of an audit, it is important to consult with an immigration lawyer and have any requests handled by the appropriate church leaders.
It grieves us that we must think about and prepare for the possibility of federal agents trying to enter the church and/or childcare center. We should remember that the reality for immigrant and minority neighbors being targeted is far worse. Christ calls us to have courage and do the work of compassion and justice to which we have been called: to love our neighbors as ourselves. If you need more information, please talk to Pastor Lee or Julie Tvete. Here is a helpful document from the National Immigration Law Center with additional details:
https://www.nilc.org/resources/a-guide-for-employers-what-to-do-if-immigration-comes to-your-workplace/