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Welcome to Oak Grove Lutheran Church

Welcome! As a warm and accepting community, our vision is to learn and grow in our relationship with God, and to compassionately address the hurts and hopes of the community and world around us.

Oak Grove Lutheran Church has been growing in the heart of Richfield for over 80 years. We're all kinds of people—young and old, longtime church members from Lutheran and other faith traditions and those new to the faith. This is a place where people can continue to grow in their relationship with God, feel welcomed into a warm community, and live out their faith in service to the world around us.

We invite you, wherever you are in your faith journey, to Oak Grove.

What's New?

Eisle Plant Sale!

We are doing a fundraiser through the Eisle Greenhouse! Click Here to download a certificate to show the cashier or simply mention the Oak Grove Lutheran Church Fundraiser at the register to take part. 15% of the total pre tax sales will be donated to the Oak Grove Kids. Eisle is located at 8350 160th St W in Lakeville.

Announcement - There will be no bible study on Wednesday, May 8th! Bible study will resume the following week.

Live Stream Equipment Update

We are in the process of updating the equipment used to broadcast the service and other events in the sanctuary through Facebook live. This update will improve the quality of the picture and sound. It will also provide flexibility to broadcast more of the components of the service such as handbells, choir, Messenger and special music. If you are interested in making a contribution toward this project checks can be made out to Oak Grove with Facebook Live in the memo section. If you have further questions talk to Julie or Curt Tvete in person or through email-

Coffee Time and Computer Time - May 19th

On Sunday, May 19 at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall, two members of the Transition Team will have computer stations set up to help with completing the Church Assessment Tool (CAT). They will also be available to provide you with a little support as you complete the survey.

Please be reminded that it will take you about 30 minutes to complete the CAT.

Garden Plots

Happy Spring!! It is time to reserve your garden plot! The Oak Grove Garden committee will have a table in the narthex on 2 Sundays, April 7 and April 12, before and after the service. Cost for one plot is $15 and you can pay with cash, check, or online. If you have questions contact Marilyn Jacobson.

WAPO Dates - Summer 2024

Wapo Youth - 4th through 9th Grade - July 28 to August 2

Ox Lake - 7th through 12th Grade - July 28 to August 2

Seeds - 1st to 3rd Grade - August 2 - August 4

Please contact Kelli for more information

Upcoming Events
Anchor 1
Anchor 2

New Membership at Oak Grove

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in becoming a member of Oak Grove's congregation, please contact Pastor Lee through email at or call the church office at 612-869-4917.

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